This presentation from the Harvard Business School discusses crisis management advice relating both to the coronavirus and to general crises; the presentation occurs between a Harvard Business School official and a crisis management expert.

Professor Dutch Leonard and CMCO Brian Kenny use Zoom to discuss crisis management and what actions leaders can take now.

0:57 – Dutch’s role in the Bloomberg Mayor’s Initiative
4:24 – How do you define crisis management?
6:13 – What were you hoping to achieve in publishing « 20 Things for Organizational Leaders to Know About COVID-19 »?
7:53 – What’s the most important thing a leader can do in a time like this? 13:08 – What should firms and leaders be thinking about how they communicate with stakeholders, employees, customers etc?
15:28 – Is it tone-deaf for businesses to try to be opportunistic in a time like this?
18:16 – What are the pitfalls leaders should be thinking about at this time? What are some things they should avoid?
20:23 – If there’s one takeaway from what you’ve talked about today, what would that be?


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